
Sunday 20 January 2019

*10 Tips from 10 billionaire realtors for new consultants* Getting to the top of the real estate market is a goal of every real estate agent looking to make it big in the industry. Along the way, there are hurdles and challenges that need to be overcome, but most agents have a mentor who can guide them along the way. Mentors are one of the most powerful forces that will guide you to success in anything, but this is just one piece of the total pie that an agent needs to consider to advance their career and propel their business forward. Here are 10 powerful tips from billionaire realtors, that will help your career in real estate to move forward today. *1. Don't Sell* When it comes to real estate, in particular, a consultant's job is not to sell. We should facilitate and coach our clients, that's why you are a consultant. When someone feels or finds out they have been "sold," they are likely to resent the salesperson. Instead, provide advice, educate, keep clients focused on the goals they described for you. This is putting the needs of the client ahead of the needs of the agent. .......*Michelle* *2. Work Hard And Be Honest* My mother, who founded our company in 1980, told me the key to success is simple: Work hard and be honest. Don't pretend to know all the answers when you don't, because in real estate, your best asset is your reputation. Ensure your clients that you will get the answer, and take action. *Never, ever lie.* .... *Elizabeth* *3. Offer Multiple Options* Be a trusted adviser. By presenting multiple options to a potential client, you can guide them to the best option for them rather than pushing something on them. .........*Jeremy* *4. Be Human* Most agent training on sales is about getting the "prospect" to do what we need. Sign the contract, get the sale. But it's not about that. We are fiduciaries, so our ultimate responsibility is to serve the client. When we go in with our goals in mind, not theirs, it shows. It degrades trust. When we go in with a mindset of helping them reach their goals, we build trust. Serve. Success follows....*Bloomtree Realty* *5. Hit Whatever Is Thrown Your Way* Develop an “I don’t care” attitude. Don’t care about the challenges thrown at you — solve whatever they are. ...*Kiser Group* *6. Be Obsessed Or Be Average* Be obsessed. That's it, be obsessed with getting your client your product or service. Be obsessed with providing them with the highest level of service and satisfaction. Be obsessed with solving their problems and growing your business in the process. Most salespeople simply lack clarity and obsession, and you can't show me one great salesperson who's not obsessed. (How do you intend to sell a property you don't know anything about) .....*Lucas* *7. Always Be Willing To Help* My mindset has always been to help people. If you are willing to help people with knowledge, skills or expertise, you will be the first in mind when they need professional services or as a referral. Your reputation is built by the things you do, not by what you say. .....*Linda* *8. Listen And Learn* Being a good listener is key to sales success. Listening shows you care, makes it possible to understand what the prospect's true needs and wants are -- which then helps you frame how you can provide a solution. Sometimes, prospects simply need to convince themselves. In those cases, you just need to listen and validate what they're saying........... *Lisa* *9. Ensure Constant Contact And Communication* Nobody knows you exist until the consumer sees you. You are the best billboard for your brand. Constant contact, communication and advertising your name/brand is the only way to let the consumer know you exist. You have to spend money on advertising to make money. If you keep your name silent, no one will ever know your brand exists or what your company offers. Advertising money equal profits.....*DayRealty Group* *10. Activity Drives Results* The more calls you make, the more networking events you go to, the more follow up you do, the better your sales results will be. Track your activities and you will clearly see that it boils down to how much you are actually DOING that generates sales. Meetings and brainstorming sessions are great, but activities directly related to generating new business will drive sales. ..*Jamal* *Millionaires Property Network*

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